Our Team
Stefan Stamenkovic, PhD
Research Scientist III
Deep imaging of microvasculature at the gray-white matter interface
Catherine Foster
Post-doctoral Fellow
Role of thromboxane receptor signaling in pericytes during health and AD
Gökçe Gürler, MD, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow
Microvascular alterations in a TGFbeta over-expressing mouse model of cSVD
Hyun-Kyoung Lim, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow
(Co-mentored: Primary mentor, Prof. Juliane Gust)
In vivo leukocyte-endothelial interactions during neuroinflammation
Ahmed Eltanahy, MD
Post-doctoral Fellow
New mouse models for chemogenetic control of capillary pericytes
Cara Nielson
PhD Candidate
(UW Neuroscience program)
Structural plasticity of pericytes in a mouse model of CAA
Cecilia Martin
MD, PhD student
(UW MCB program)
The perivascular niche and space in health and mouse models of cSVD
Dickson Chen
PhD student
(UW Neuroscience student)
Robustness and fragility of capillary perfusion in relation to vascular architecture
Liam Sullivan
Research Technician II
Chemogenetic modulation of pericytes and their effects on local capillary perfusion
Taylor McGillis
Research Technician II
Development of pericyte patterning along the brain microvascular network
Oron Estes
Research Technician I
Pericyte coverage in a mouse model of capillary CAA