Recent Highlights
Pericytes: Unsung heroes in myelin repair after neonatal brain hypoxia. V. Coelho-Santos and A.Y. Shih (2024). Neuron. 112(13), P2081-2083. PDF.
A Preview article for Growth hormone promotes myelin repair after chronic hypoxia via triggering pericyte-dependent angiogenesis by Ren et al. Neuron. 112(13), P2177-2196.

Is CAA a perivascular brain clearance disease? A discussion of the evidence to date and outlook for future studies. S.J. van Veluw, H. Benveniste, E.N.T.P. Bakker, R.O. Carare, S.M. Greenberg, J.J. Iliff, S. Lorthois, W.E. Van Nostrand, G.C. Petzold, A.Y. Shih, M.J.P. van Osch (2024). Cell Mol Life Sci. 81(1):239.

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Purinergic signaling mediates neuroglial interactions to modulate sighs. L.J. Severs, N.E. Bush, L.A. Quina, S. Hidalgo-Andrade, N.J. Burgraff, T. Dashevskiy, A.Y. Shih, N.A. Baertsch, J.M. Ramirez (2023). Nature Communications. Aug 31;14(1):5300. LINK
A neuropathologic feature of brain aging: multi-lumen vascular profiles. E.T. Ighodaro, R.K. Shahidehpour, A.D. Bachstetter, E.L. Abner, R.S. Nelson, D.W. Fardo, A.Y. Shih, R.I. Grant, J.H. Neltner, F.A. Schmitt, G.A. Jicha, R.J. Kryscio, D.M. Wilcock, L.J. Van Eldik, P.T. Nelson (2023). Acta Neuropathol Commun. Aug 28;11(1):138. LINK
Endothelial structure contributes to heterogeneity in brain capillary diameter. S.M. Sargent, S.K. Bonney, Y. Li, S. Stamenkovic, M. Takeno, V. Coelho-Santos, A.Y. Shih (2023). Vasc Biol. Aug 1:VB-23-0010. LINK
Does perinatal intermittent hypoxia affect cerebrovascular network development? V. Coelho-Santos, A.N. Cruz, A.Y. Shih (2023). Dev Neurosci. May 9:1. LINK
Deep Imaging to Dissect Microvascular Contributions to White Matter Degeneration in Rodent Models of Dementia. S. Stamenkovic, Y. Li, J. Waters, A.Y. Shih (2023). Stroke. 54(5):1403-1415. LINK
Key Papers
Pericyte remodeling is deficient in the aged brain and contributes to impaired capillary flow and structure. A.A. Berthiaume, F. Schmid, S. Stamenkovic, V. Coelho-Santos, C. Nielson, B. Weber, M.W. Majesky, and A.Y. Shih (2022). Nature Communications. 7;13(1):5912. LINK
Precise, 3-D optogenetic control of the diameter of single arterioles. P.J. O’Herron, D.A. Hartmann, K. Xie, P. Kara, A.Y. Shih (2022). Elife. 11:e72802. LINK
Distinct features of brain perivascular fibroblasts and mural cells revealed by in vivo two-photon imaging. S.K. Bonney, L.T. Sullivan, T.J. Cherry, R. Daneman, and A.Y. Shih (2021). JCBFM.42(6):966-978. PDF
Public volume electron microscopy data: A rich resource to study brain microvasculature. S.K. Bonney, V. Coelho-Santos, S.F. Huang, M. Takeno, J. Kornfeld, A. Keller, A.Y. Shih (2022). Frontiers in Cellular and Developmental Biology. 10:849469. LINK
Pericyte control of blood flow across microvascular zones in the central nervous system. D.A. Hartmann, V. Coelho-Santos, and A.Y. Shih (2021). Annual Reviews of Physiology. 84:331-354. PDF
Imaging the Construction of Capillary Networks in the Neonatal Mouse Brain. V. Coelho-Santos, A.A. Berthiaume, S. Ornelas, H. Stuhlmann, and A.Y. Shih (2021). PNAS. 118 (26) e2100866118. LINK
News and views by C.N. Cuomo, H.E. Jones, S.A. Siegenthaler: Not just a 'drain': venules sprout brain capillaries. Trends in Neuroscience. 44(11):849-851
Brain capillary pericytes exert a substantial but slow influence on blood flow. D.A. Hartmann, A.A. Berthiaume, R.I. Grant, S.A. Harill, T. Koski, T. Tieu, K.P. McDowell, A.V. Faino, A. Kelly, and A.Y. Shih (2021). Nature Neuroscience. 24(5):633-645. PDF
News and views by A. Institoris, G.R. Gordon: A tense relationship between capillaries and pericytes. Nature Neuroscience. 24(5):615-617. ​