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Where are the now?

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Following their training, members of the Shih lab continued to follow careers in academia, industry, and medicine.

Stephanie Bonney, PhD - Assistant Professor - University of Colorado (Anschutz)

Vanessa Coelho-Santos, PhD - Assistant Professor - University of Coimbra

Philip O'Herron - Assistant Professor - Augusta University

Manuel Levy - Research Assistant Professor - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yuandong (Jenny) Li - Image Quality Engineer - Meta

Maria Sosa - Lab Manager - University of Minnesota

Madeline Kilby - Medical School - Des Moines University

Taryn Tieu - Graduate School - University of Washington

Konnor McDowell - Graduate School - Medical University of South Carolina

Nicolas Weitermann - Graduate School - University of Illinois Chicago

Sharon Ornelas - Research Study Coordinator - University of Washington

David Hartmann, MD, PhD - Neurology Fellow, Stanford University

Robert Underly, PhD - Master Scientist - Reynolds American Inc.

Andree-Anne Berthiaume, PhD - Senior scientist - Athira Pharmaceuticals

Roger Ian Grant, PhD - Postdoctoral Fellow - NIH/NIDDK

Philipp Summers, MSc - Biomedical Engineer - MUSC

Chase Burton - Assistant Editor - Wiley



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